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When families look for a place to move to, the schools in the area will be a big determining factor in whether or not they choose a specific neighborhood. If you are looking at Mesa, AZ, you are in luck because the schools in this city are highly rated.School Districts In Mesa AZ

Depending on what your specific hopes are for your family and your children, you should look into what district serves the neighborhood you want to move to.

Five school districts represent the Mesa area. Those districts are Mesa Public District, Gilbert Public Schools, Higley Unified School District, Queen Creek Unified School District, and the East Valley Institute of Technology. If you are looking at making a move, now is a great time to be doing your research because enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year starts soon!

School Districts In Mesa AZ

Mesa Public Schools

The Mesa Public Schools District is nationally accredited. This district is known for its excellence in academia, athletic achievement, and outstanding arts. They are nationally recognized in several of these areas. In addition to these great attributes, there are incredible vocational and technical achievement schools. This district serves over 64,000 students within its 82 school facilities. Mesa Public Schools is Arizona’s largest school district. The district offers Montessori, International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, and online learning to accommodate students with all learning abilities and needs. The Mesa Public School District prides itself on being diverse and a forward-thinking community for education.

Gilbert Public Schools District

The Gilbert Public School District has over 40 schools. This district is known for its culture; diversity and high rankings with the Arizona Department of Education.

School Districts In Mesa AZHigley Unified Schools District

The Higley Unified School District is much smaller. Higley has 16 schools located in Gilbert and Queen Creek. Even though it is a smaller district it still serves students from k-12th grades. This district is unique in that it offers a virtual academy through its district.

Queen Creek Unified School District

The Queen Creek Unified School District serves over 9,000 students on its 12 campuses. This district is currently expanding dues to its great performance. This district has been named the best school district in Maricopa County.

East Valley Institute of Technology

The East Valley Institute of Technology is an incredible school with hands-on technical; knowledge and instruction. This is Arizona’s first Technological Education District. This school offers classes in more than 40 specific occupations. Some of these classes are 3D animation, aviation, engineering, and even robotics. Classes are offered to high school students and adults. There are four campuses in mesa. This district offers a high graduation rate and a majority of students go in to pursue post-secondary education.

In Conclusion

It is good to know that wherever you chose to live in Mesa, AZ, you are sure your children will get a great education. If you are interested in Mesa, AZ, and would like to start your homebuying process, contact me. I would be happy to help you get to know the neighborhoods you are interested and assist with any of your real estate needs.